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Affirming Churches in DFW
Created by PFLAG Dallas: a list of LGBTQIA2S+ affirming churches in McKinney and DFW.
North Texas Pride
Promoting acceptance, awareness, and unity for the LGBTQIA2S+ community and allies in North Texas.
Pride Flag Identification Guide
Information about each Pride flag.
PTX Diverse/Princeton Pride
Pride organization for Princeton, Texas.
Everywhere Is Queer
Queer-owned business directory app.
Friends & Family of Anna Pride
Pride organization for Anna, Texas.
Pride organization for Denton, Texas.
Voter registration guide, election information, and other resources.
Pride Frisco
Pride organization for Frisco, Texas.
Elevate North Texas
Immediate, short-term housing and personal case management for LGBTQ+ youth (18-24) in crisis.
Dallas Voice
Media source centered around the DFW LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Collin County Elections
Election information for McKinney and Collin County.